
please help decide.

before this i was so tempted to get sony erric 9!0i phone...

but all of sudde
n mcm bosan je cos i think ramai dah org pakai that kinda hp...
so, e
nd result i didnt buy any phone...still using the oldskul one & save the money for others.

but agai
n now....kegilaan memiliki handphone baru dtg kembali...
utk mereplace/subtitute-ka
n handphone lama yg saya dah pakai approx 4 thn...
gila oldskul tak saya??=D. still ok sebe
narnya..tapi tengoklah..mcmana...

mak saya pakai so
ny, cousins saya pakai sony..kawan-kawan saya pakai sony...kenapa ?mungkin mereka gila sony-erric atau sony for them , vava voom!

how about nokia?? bukan saya takmo nokia..tapi dah boringlah pakai nokia..1st handphone sy pakai...masa saya dapat masuk matrik ialah motorolla, lepas dah boring tukar nokia..3310..ingat tak?? butterfly...pastu...ape lagik eh??sampailah yg sekarang nokia 6600. atau nama lain sabun.[mesti semua orang tahu?].kenapa saya tak tukar-tukar handphone? sebenarnya masa study dulu tak banyak duit [ayat sedih]. time kaya masa study, rasa macam tak penting pun hp baru... baik habis kat shopping, makan etc.[saya bukan gadget/hp freak!]...saya pernah cakap kat roomate saya, zuzu dulu yang berbunyi begini :"kita malas lah nak tukar handphone,tunggu dah keje baru tukar..huhu".

ng..saya dah... hampir...10 bulan bekerja setelah bergraduasi pada jan 2008, tapi masih tidak tukar handphone lagi.

ndphone saya masih ok..walaupun keypad dah tak serupa keypad & kadang-kadang dia hang..but for me, this phone still okay..superb.two thumbs up for 6600. =D
. Saya beli pu
n the price still thousand plus ma... so sayang!

now back to topic, saya mahu spesifikasinya seperti berikut:
1. Slide
2. touchscree
n/wide screen.
3. 3G (optional)
4. nipis
5. price rm1000 or below.hihihi
6. color yang menawan.
7. stylish.

hahaha.... & i'm thi
nking of LG....=D
anyone??any suggestion....but owh.. sorry no Samsung please.


Anonymous said...

i got one lg viewty for sale... used set... full set with box... price rm780 firm...

-touch screen
-not sliding
-5 mp camera

ms.roketchenta1001 said...

not slide??..
eh bkn viewty slide ke?:P
mm.. btw, can i see the pic??=D

ms.roketchenta1001 said...

ops dear anonymous...
can u put ur email there?pls.

Anonymous said...

my email
viewty not sliding...

ms.roketchenta1001 said...

ok thx.

Anonymous said...

so do u interested to deal with it...

ms.roketchenta1001 said...

im not sure yet...
black eh??..

but, if u ade new buyer nvm...
tp i nak tanye brape lame eh
org tu dah pakai that phone? :P

Anonymous said...

1 year already...

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